Closing Date
30 June 2012
Application Requirements
The grant is awarded to qualified citizens of Malaysia, aged 22 – 35, residing in Malaysia or overseas, in the following fields:
- Education & Community
- Environment
- Health, Science and Technology
Please take note of the following requirements:
- For academics, a Master or equivalent professional degree at the time of application in the field in which you are applying.
- For professionals and those outside academia, recognised professional standing and substantial professional accomplishments in the field in which you are applying.
Selection Process
Upon submission, the Merdeka Award Grant committee will review the applications and shortlist candidates for interviews. There will be 2 rounds of interviews before the announcement is made. You are required to meet all reasonable requests for dates and times of interviews, and are responsible for your own travel arrangements to the interview venue.
The application evaluation period will run for four (4) weeks after the closing date.
The first round of interviews will occur one (1) month after the closing date, while the second round of interviews will occur two (2) weeks after the first round of interviews.
Successful applicants will be notified via email and/or phone call.
* Dates are subject to changes. Please continue to check the website for updates.
* Shortlisted applicants will be notified approximately four (4) weeks after the closing date.
Terms of Engagement
Under the Terms of Engagement, the Merdeka Award Grant recipient will be required to execute the following, under the supervision of the Merdeka Award Secretariat:
- Make a minimum of 3x weekly postings on his / her experiences on the Merdeka Award Facebook & Twitter accounts, over the course of the preparation for the attachment, the attachment itself and for a period of 3 months upon his / her return to Malaysia.
- Maintain a Merdeka Award Grant for International Attachment blog, with a minimum of 2x weekly updates on his / her experiences in the course of the preparation for the attachment, the attachment itself and for a period of 3 months upon his / her return to Malaysia. This should include written accounts, as well as photos and mini-videos.
- While on attachment, reach out to and engage with Malaysians and non-Malaysian students in similar or related areas of study, to build the Grantee’s network of contacts and colleagues around the world.
- Conduct a minimum of 6x speaking engagements upon his / her return to Malaysia, over the course of one year
- Recipient should be available to the Merdeka Award Secretariat for interviews and other publicity initiatives for a period of one year after his / her return.
How to Apply
All applications MUST be submitted online. Hard copies sent will not be accepted.